Non-Immigrant visas
Non-immigrant visas covered from a wide range of scope. Whether individuals’ motivations for temporarily staying in the United States are for leisure, pursing education, career-oriented or marriage/family uniting, choosing the right visas to apply not only saves time, but can guarantee higher chances of success.
The main difference between non-immigrant visas and immigrant visas are that non-immigrant visas usually limited the applicants with a specific period of time to stay in the U.S. The time can range from a few weeks to several years, depending on the types of visas; also, applicants for each specific non-immigrant visa petition are strictly allowed to come to the U.S. “only” for reasons that the visas specified. For instance, no student visa (F-1) individuals can deviate from the duty of being a full-time student rather than engaging in work. Due to the fact that this is a Non-immigrant visa, usually applicants’ intention to come to the U.S. plays an important role for the final approval decision.
Although a few work visas may change the status to permanent residency (green card), most non-immigrant visas petitioners must show no intention to remain in the U.S. after the termination of their legal stay. Usually, petitioners’ dependent spouses and minor children will be given derivative visas according to the granted visas applied. Start your research today by clicking the appropriate categories on the left and have our professionals guide you according to your concerns.
This type of work visa is referred to as intra-company transferring of its foreign employees to work in the U.S. There are two forms of L-1 visas: L-1A intra-company transferee manager or executive and L-1B intra-company transferee specialized knowledge. The L-1A non-immigrant classification enables a U.S. employer to transfer an “executive or manager” from one of its affiliated foreign offices to one of its offices in the United States. This classification also enables a foreign company which does not yet have an affiliated U.S. office to send an executive or manager to the United States with the purpose of establishing one. Managerial or executive duties referred to individuals who can make professional decisions or supervise the work of professional employees of the organizations. The possible duration for L-1A status is up to 7 years.
The L-1 B non-immigrant classification enables a U.S. employer to transfer a professional employee with “specialized knowledge” relating to the organization’s interests from one of its affiliated foreign offices to one of its offices in the United States. This classification also enables a foreign company, which does not yet have an affiliated U.S. office, to send a specialized knowledge employee to the United States and help establish one. The possible duration for L-1B status is up to 5 years.
Let us discuss two types of scenarios under L-1A visa. The first scenario is that the foreign manager or executive transferred to the affiliated U.S. companies. Jian Law Group can assist our clients to successfully obtain their initial and/or extension for L-1A visa. If U.S. affiliated companies wish to petition permanent residency for their beneficiaries who hold L-1A status, employment based immigrant visa (EB-1C) is the most popular and effective way to do so since the labor certificate is not necessary. The second scenario is referred to as the manager or executive of foreign companies who wish to establish affiliated U.S. companies. Jian Law Group can assist our clients to successfully obtain their initial and/or extension for L-1A visa as well as their permanent residency. Experienced corporate and business attorneys in Jian Law Group will assist our clients on all legal matters related to establishing the U.S. affiliated companies.
As for L-1B, in order to successfully obtain L-1B visa from USCIS, “special skilled worker” must possess the special knowledge of the petitioning organization’s product, service or research. If individuals are granted for L-1 visa, their spouses and unmarried children under age of 21 will hold L-2 status. Also, as the dependents, they are able to obtain employment authorization and are able to be given the opportunity to attain the regular public educational system.
With our profound knowledge, years of experience and targeted strategy, Jian Law Group will provide our clients with a smooth immigration process. For more filing detail please contact us for a prompt reply.